Prophet Barney Pityana needs an urgent psychological therapy
From a deep sleep of nightmares with many skeletons from his cupboard Barney Pityana has awoken to write a letter to the President of the ANC and our Republic Cde Jacob Zuma calling for his resignation. He is warning our President on an impending catastrophe for the country if he does not heed to his prophetic confessions. What has indeed come to be is that Prophet Barney Pityana needs urgent psychological therapy (see here).
One of the paragraphs of his prophetic letter to the President of our Republic reads thus "i cannot go along with the idea that leadership does not matter, neither do I accept the notion habitually bandied about in the ANC, that leadership is by collective. There can be no collective without a leader, inasmuch as there cannot be a team without a captain. A so called " collective leadership" strikes me as mob rule".
In his collected works the inflammable material in world politics Vladimir Lenin would say" the historical tasks of our revolution are not being-per formed by the forces of counter-revolution, and cannot be. The Russian bourgeoisie are necessarily gravitating more and more towards the international anti-proletarian and antidemocratic trend.
It is not on liberal allies that the Russian proletariat should count. It must follow its own independent path to the complete victory of the revolution, basing itself on the need for a forcible solution of the agrarian question in Russia by the peasant masses themselves, helping them to overthrow the rule of the Black- Hundred landlords and the Black-Hundred autocracy, setting itself the task of establishing a democratic dictator ship of the proletariat and the peasantry in Russia, and remembering that its struggle and its victories are inseparable from the international revolutionary movement.