"SA potentially faces a winter of stage 11 loadshedding, energy expert warns" - BizNews

And four other top stories on the business news website, 24 April 2023

JOHANNESBURG – The five best-read stories on BizNews.com Monday 24 April 2023

1. South Africa potentially faces a winter of stage 11 loadshedding, energy expert warns

2. Beyond black and white: Uncovering the hidden realities of racism and violence – Andrew Kenny

3. Moonshot Pact: Why provincial power could be the key to SA’s future – Western Cape Independence lobbyist Phil Craig

4. SA’s ‘equity’ hurdles limit investment in satellite internet service, Starlink

5. Rob Hersov: SA’s new Electoral Act – A positive step for democracy or an unfair game rigged by the ANC?

BizNews.com is one of South Africa’s leading business news websites. Founded by internet publishing pioneer and broadcaster Alec Hogg, specializes in providing news and expert opinion on money and investments. BizNews.com is a remote company and all employees can be found on email, it’s their first name @biznews.com eg. [email protected]