The Multi-Party Charter for SA and an opposition that is desperate and clueless
22 August 2023
This week, I have been invited to a workshop on ethics, parliament, and the elected representative by the Institute for African Alternatives, which is focused on the defence of our constitutional democracy and asking the pertinent question: what can we expect from our elected representatives?
I was thinking about the seriousness of this question in light of the newly formulated Multi-Party Charter for South Africa, where a few opposition parties have clubbed together to offer South Africans a “new deal” supposedly and they also claim to be defending the Constitution and all the principles undergirding our constitutional democracy.
I was reflecting on all this and just wondering, what is it about this opposition pact that offers the people of South Africa any new hope and how different will the conduct of the elected representatives of these parties be, that have just signed this pact? What new thing is this opposition pact really bringing to the South African body politic and voters specifically? Is there anything in the messaging and packaging that is so profoundly different that it will potentially be a game-changer with the 2024 elections in mind?
The ANC has been dropping its electoral margins for the past few elections in the country and yet this has not translated into voters necessarily turning towards any of the opposition parties en masse. In fact, as voters have expressed disappointment in the ANC by not turning up to vote on election day and dropping the ANCs margins as a result, they have also been expressing their profound disappointment in the opposition and its offerings by refusing to vote for the opposition, even as they punish the ANC.