Neverland – where everything is for free
Neverland, according to Wikipedia, is a fictional location featured in the works of JM Barrie. It is the dwelling place of Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys and others. The “others” presumably include the late Michael Jackson who named his farm “Neverland Ranch” and also many citizens of Soweto.
We learnt recently that some Sowetans refuse to pay for their electricity and refuse to countenance the installation of pre-paid electricity meters. This is not new; one hears that the portion of Soweto receiving power direct from Eskom (as opposed to others supplied by the Johannesburg City Council) owes Eskom R4bn for electricity supplied and consumed but not paid for. This amount has built up over years – at least since the last write-off.
The justification for non-payment is that some claim that Nelson Mandela promised free electricity, free water, free sanitation and free services, in addition to other promises of free houses, free education and free medical services. In return for these promises, the residents voted for the ANC in 1994. Some of these promises were kept, but many were not.
It is of course possible that Mr Mandela did make these promises but I would like to know how they were kept secret until now, more than twenty years later. Surely not only Soweto residents would know about them; what about the residents in townships and suburbs throughout South Africa? Many consumers have been paying diligently for all this time, not realising that they need not pay – after all, the ANC would give them everything free.
Of course, this is all self-justifying nonsense. People who should have paid, have not paid. Others who are not even registered consumers leech off street lights and neighbours, witting and unwitting, and the culture of lawlessness and non-payment has thrived. That culture has been fed by regular write-offs of outstanding amounts, to the tune of billions of Rand.