The key thing about democracy is that you get what you vote for. The winners may not be the most competent or honest, but they are the most popular. Perhaps people are easily misled or believe false promises. But what's the alternative?
As Winston Churchill observed "Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried." America's founding fathers were concerned about the "tyranny of the majority" in a pure democracy. Thomas Jefferson warned that "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."
While the American Constitution spoke of "We the people" it also had a Bill of Rights that no majority could over-ride. Its brilliant innovation was the separation of powers between the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
So the elected members of Congress pass the laws that are implemented by the President. These laws can be challenged in the Supreme Court to determine if they are in line with the Constitution Instead of one centre of power there are checks and balances.
These slow down the process, but decrease the likelihood of extreme policies driven by populist demagogues. America is actually a republic, which means that its highest law is the constitution.
South Africa is also a constitutional republic, with separation of powers and a Bill of Rights.