ZANU-PF's manifest[o]ations of profanities

Rejoice Ngwenya on Mugabe's 'street walker' slur against Lindiwe Zulu and related matters

Xtreme Opinion is my Trademark of Polemic Bigotry. I am Rejoice Ngwenya, writing this Monday, 15 July 2013 from Harare, Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, a ‘street woman' is a prostitute - the magnet of irresponsible men whose nocturnal prowls along urban streets and dark alleys add fuel to the fire of sex-for-sale. And so when Zimbabwe perennial presidential candidate Robert Mugabe labelled SADC-appointed mediator Lindiwe Zulu "some stupid idiotic ... little street woman", this was the penultimate cue for South Africans to close their Harare embassy - permanently.

In its own crude way, South Africa's ANC deserve such profanities. Former president Thabo Mbeki's obsession with ZANU-PF hitched them to the 2008 Global Political Agreement even though Mugabe had lost the election. SADC-appointed mediators have been snubbed and ridiculed by ZANU-PF acolytes without the South African government so much as lifting a finger of protest. The ZANU-PF launch of their 2013 Harmonised Elections manifesto on Friday 6 July 2013 was [meant to be] the knockout punch!

Yet beyond the metaphors of sexual pervasion, we progressive Zimbabweans also felt insulted. "Taking Back the Economy: Indigenise, Empower, Develop and Create Employment" is the usual claptrap you would expect from the ideologically bankrupt political party.  In its current illusion of electoral preparedness, ZANU-PF takes us through another tour of blissful deceit.

They have such a nerve, almost to the point of arrogant stupidity which the Christian patriarch in Revelation 3:17 warns: "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked." The Emperor who should have abdicated for impregnating his maidservant now rides on a diamond-studded moral high ground chariot, hurling insults at every other social misfit as if he is guaranteed a seat at the right hand side of the Almighty. Dial 911!

ZANU-PF ‘Taking Back the Economy'? Foreign currency used as local legal tender; an 11-billion dollar debt overhang; 60% of Zimbabweans living below the poverty datum line; virtually no industry to talk about except 6-billion dollar annual imports and ninety percent of employable citizens running flea markets, vegetable stalls and vending phone cards. While Zimbabwe's neighbours calibrate foreign direct investments in billions, Mugabe's ‘economy' attracts only millions!

‘Indigenise' - a euphemism for plundering private property and calling the contraband ‘community share ownership schemes' - robbing Andrew Johns to pay Nhamo Makotore!  Consider this: the chief indigenisation agent provocateur does not own a single company quoted on any stock exchange. His oil, banking and tourist ‘acquisitions' either collapsed or languish on financial life support systems. Show me expertise of creating wealth!

Plundering 51 per cent of the shareholding in 1139 companies and redistributing the $7 billion proceeds? Even a deranged 1st -year economics student will tell you such an abomination not only destroys those companies but also immunises the economy from further FDIs. Having annihilated industrial and farming sectors since year 2000, what hope in hell does ZANU-PF have in [re] creating 2.2 million jobs in any lifetime? ‘By unlocking value from idle assets worth at least US$1.8 trillion of mineral claims or reserves' with a sizable dose of Chinese economic imperialism!

Come to think of it, like all the other African mafia masquerading as politicians, ZANU-PF's bizarre ‘Bhora Mugedhi/Ibhola Egedini/Shot on Target' electoral campaign reeks with deceitful promises of money, money and more money. Its medieval and predatory 2013 manifest[o] ations are destined to the archives long before the indelible ink is dry.  ZANU-PF has become a mentor for serfdom and subsistence. The king is dead - long live the king!

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