Zimbabwe's marginalisation of White Africans
In the Zimbabwe we want, the only advantage to any Zimbabwean citizen must be through their hard work, business acumen and morals; definitely not through race or political connections.
In an interesting conversation with a Zimbabwean white couple recently, I was rather intrigued at how they described themselves as Europeans while they referred to us Zimbabwean blacks as Africans. Isn't it rather sad that our social conditioning during colonial times still lies deep and hidden in our subconscious and continues to blind us to who we truly are?
In my opinion, our true potential lies in us as proud Africans, regardless of our skin colour, working together to develop our country for posterity. As far as I am concerned, Zimbabwean whites born and bred in Zimbabwe are Africans. There should therefore be no distinction on our heritage. We need to reject the colonial stereotype that continues to separate us.
On the flip side, a significant number of Black Zimbabweans also do not consider white Zimbabweans as Africans and this continues to fuel distrust and unnecessary division. This of course has been the work of the older generation of our politicians who grew up in Rhodesia. It has served them well to keep this distinction and therefore to have an "enemy'. This has been to a massive disadvantage to our economic development particularly in agriculture.
I must also admit there are some white fools out there who are still deeply racially prejudiced and bitter, but I want to believe they count a few.