Daily Sun (September 3 2013) - THE SKOROKORO bus raced down the hill, packed with reed dancers and minders returning from the annual reed dance. The first driver had been taken off at a roadblock for being drunk - but the unroadworthy vehicle had been allowed to continue on its journey . . . SPEEDING TOWARDS A DATE WITH DEATH!
The 23-year-old driver lost control of the vehicle in the dark of night, going downhill near Eshowe, KZN on Sunday, sliding down the road, smashing into barriers that ripped through the bus.
When the rescue crews finally separated the injured from the dead, eight young reed dancers and two minders lay dead under blankets, with many injured calling for medical assistance.
The bus was carrying 64 passengers from the cultural Umkhosi Womhlanga which took place in Nongoma, Enyokeni Palace, over the past weekend. They were on their way home to eMahlongwa and KwaNdelu Villages in Mzumbe near Port Shepstone.
Families and relatives of the bus accident victims went to identify the bodies of the victims yesterday.
Menzi Bhengu had taken over from the driver who had been arrested for drunken driving at a road block in Nongoma. Bhengu is in a critical condition in hospital.