10 pit latrines for over 2 000 residents in Pietermaritzburg – Francois Rodgers

DA KNZ leader says such facilities should not be tolerated 29 years into democracy

10 pit latrines for over 2 000 residents in Province’s “Capital City”

31 May 2023

The Democratic Alliance in KwaZulu-Natal will be writing to the MEC of Social Development, Nonhlanhla Khoza and the MEC of Human Settlements, Sipho Nkosi to request assistance for residents at the Sacca informal settlement in Pietermaritzburg.

This follows the DA’s visit to the community that had been to learn about the circumstances surrounding the death of a newborn who was found in a pit toilet.

We learnt that this had not been the first incident in the community where a woman had illegally disposed a newborn.

We also learnt that for the over 2 000 residents in this community they only have 10 pit latrines, built by the residents. Pit latrines should not be tolerated 29 years into democracy and eradicated completely. Seemingly, the ANC in local and provincial government has never set foot in this community.

There are no structures that were built by the government. In what is called the “capital city” of the province, in an urban area, they still have gravel roads. As a result, ambulances cannot get into this community. The community is rat-infested due to refuse not being collected for weeks on end.

We will therefore request the Department of Social Development to set up educational programmes on maternity and teenage pregnancies. The Department of Human Settlements must also set up proper ablution facilities and decent homes for the dignity of these residents.

Almost 30 years into democracy? This is an indictment on the ANC.

Once booming with potential, the ANC has systematically collapsed our province. The 2024 election is an opportunity for residents of KwaZulu-Natal to vote for a government that cares.

Issued by Francois Rodgers, DA KZN Leader, 31 May 2023