195 000 votes received from diverse communities across SA - BOSA

Party says Mmusi Maimane and Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster will take up its two seats in Parliament

BOSA to send Mmusi Maimane, Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster and Ayanda Allie to serve South Africa as legislators after winning almost 195 000 votes

4 June 2024

This past Sunday the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) formally announced the results of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections after millions of South Africans voted in the most consequential election our country has held since the dawn of democracy in ’94.

Today Build One South Africa (BOSA) can confirm that the party received over 194 000 votes from diverse communities across the country. This indicates BOSA has appeal in all communities and across all indicators - young and old, rich and poor, black, white, indian and coloured.  

We can also confirm that BOSA has won 3 seats – 2 in the National Assembly, and 1 in the Gauteng Legislature. This is a respectable outcome considering we had a fraction of the funding others received, and we unearthed new leaders from communities instead of poaching career politicians like many parties did.

The party will be represented by Mmusi Maimane and Nobuntu-Hlazo Webster in the National Assembly, and by Ayanda Allie in the Gauteng Legislature. This is according to our open and transparent proportional representation lists, which rank these candidates at number 1, 2 and 3 respectively.  

Our three candidates are all under the age of 45 and possess a broad range of skills and a depth of experience across many sectors.

For BOSA, this is only the start. What remains undeniable is the desperate need for a centrist platform holding the line against division – be it racial, ethnic, or linguistic.

For the first time in our democracy, some form of coalition government is required at national level. BOSA is of the belief that if a government of national unity is established, it must first and foremost develop a plan to deliver a job in every home.

Our leadership will work constructively with a government established and hold it accountable when needs be. This is a moment in our nation where the best leaders must serve in cabinet, constitutionalism must be upheld, a safety net for the poor is strengthened, and a market-based economy is ignited for growth. We will work with other centrist parties in Parliament in this regard.

That is our conviction and that is BOSA’s role to fulfil. We will go to Parliament and the Gauteng Legislature to advance such values and beliefs.

Issued by Roger Solomons, BOSA Acting Spokesperson, 4 June 2024