20 illegal miners killed in Grootvlei mine accident - Solidarity

Gideon du Plessis says liquidators must expedite sale of assets so mines can be secured

Grootvlei Mine turns into mass grave: Fatal accident claims lives of 20 illegal miners at Grootvlei

Following the death of 20 illegal mineworkers this week, trade union Solidarity today made an urgent appeal to the liquidators of Pamodzi Gold to expedite the process of selling the assets of the Grootvlei mines, thereby making it possible to secure the mines as soon as possible and to put an end to illegal mining activities.

One illegal miner was seriously injured and (according to him) 20 killed in a rock fall as a result of illegal mining activities in a mine located between the Grootvlei and the Gravelotte mines on the East Rand. The number of illegal mineworkers killed in the accident has not been confirmed yet. Efforts to recover the bodies have been unsuccessful so far, as the area is too unstable to continue with recovery efforts. It appears the miners obtained access to the mine through Grootvlei's Van Rijn opencast mine.

According to Gideon du Plessis, Deputy General Secretary of Solidarity, this was yet another accident that can be attributed to Aurora's pillaging and negligence that led to the once imposing mineshaft of Grootvlei being razed to the ground. "These mines are turning into ‘shafts of death'.

Until the assets are finally sold off, no one is going to take full responsibility to stop illegal mining activities at the mines, to secure the mineshafts adequately and to get them into operation again. Solidarity reiterates the appeal it made to the Department of Mineral Resources on 13 April 2011 at a portfolio committee meeting, to provide guidance in order to have the mines secured," says Du Plessis.

"AfriForum Youth planted 12 white crosses, representing a mass grave, at the Ndlovu shaft last year in memory of the Aurora employees and illegal miners who had died as a result of Aurora's looting and negligence. It was a symbolic grave, but the shaft has now literally turned into a mass grave," he adds.

Statement issued by Gideon du Plessis, Deputy General Secretary: Solidarity, March 8 2012

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