46 000 jobs created in WCape over last quarter – Mireille Wenger

Minister says province maintains lowest expanded unemployment rate in SA

46 000 jobs created in the Western Cape over last quarter

24 August 2022

I welcome the news that 46 000 jobs were created in the province over the last quarter. This is an increase from the 37 000 jobs created in the previous quarter-on-quarter reporting period.

Overall, the Western Cape maintains the lowest expanded unemployment rate in South Africa, with 87 000 jobs created year-on-year.

According to StatSA, the biggest contributors to these jobs’ figures were:

Community and social services, which increased by 75 400 jobs year-on-year, and 70 300 jobs quarter-on-quarter.

Finance, which increased by 65 600 jobs year-on-year, and 85 600 jobs quarter-on-quarter.

And trade, which increased by 61 900 jobs year-on-year, and 72 500 jobs quarter-on-quarter.

Over this period, the Western Cape recorded a decrease in people considered as “not economically active” - people who are not counted in the calculation of the employment rate.

This means that more people are looking for jobs and participating in the labour force in the Western Cape. This growing labour force also in part accounts for the increase in the expanded unemployment rate from 29% to 31.3% despite the addition of 46 000 new jobs in the province.

While there are some promising signs, it is clear we need to do more to match the increasing demand in the Western Cape, and we are determined to do so. Creating jobs, through rapid economic growth, is a top priority for the Western Cape Government as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and push forward to enable the private sector to grow and succeed. 

Issued by Georgina Maree, Spokesperson for the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, 23 August 2022