8 ongoing extortion investigations in Cape Town – DA WCape

Cases are centred around unlawful material supply, site security breaches, demolitions, and acts of intimidation

8 ongoing extortion investigations in Cape Town

20 August 2023

In response to a parliamentary question by the Democratic Alliance (DA), it was revealed that there are currently eight ongoing investigations into cases of extortion related to construction activities in Cape Town.

These investigations include:

Four cases in Mannenberg

One case in Delft

One case in Milnerton

Two cases in Gugulethu

These cases are centred around unlawful material supply, site security breaches, demolitions, and acts of intimidation. The Department of Infrastructure has emphasised its close collaboration with relevant stakeholders and the South African Police Service (SAPS) to ensure the effective pursuit of these cases. Regular investigation updates are also requested by the Department to monitor the progress made in these investigations.

Amidst the prevailing wave of crime in South Africa, exacerbated by the persistent understaffing of the SAPS, the Western Cape Government continues to go beyond its mandate to try and bring calm and safety to our communities, as this remains one of our top priorities. To counteract the widespread impact of extortion across the entire province, the Department has implemented a comprehensive prevention plan. This proactive strategy encompasses not only internal stakeholders but also external ones such as project steering committees and ward councillors, all of whom play vital roles in executing this plan. The efficacy of this plan has already been demonstrated in several key municipalities within the province.

MPP Matlhodi Maseko says: "Extortion is, unfortunately, a countrywide problem, but the Western Cape Government is leading the charge in making sure that those who engage in extortion are held accountable. Here in the Western Cape, it is a well-known allegation that there are certain political parties who play an active role in extortion in some communities, and we look forward to the law running its course."

Issued by Matlhodi Maseko, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Infrastructure, 20 August 2023