Law and order: ActionSA’s vision for a safer South Africa
14 September 2023
Where humans exist side by side, there has always been an accepted code or rules that govern their co-existence. No society can thrive in a lawless environment. That distinguishes us as human beings from other creation. Law is the rules set by society to govern and regulate the behaviour of citizens toward each other and to protect the rights and privileges of all.
Order is the institutions set up by the State to monitor, uphold and enforce adherence to the law. The Police Services, Courts, Correctional Services, Social Services, Immigration Services, etc are such institutions. Laws can be passed to regulate our behaviour, yet without the enforcement of order, it will amount to naught. Thomas Hobbes, the English Philosopher, famously said that life without government would be ‘Nasty, brutish and short”. Sadly, this has become a reality for many South Africans.
South Africa comes from a painful past, where the Policing and other security Services, were largely used in the protection of the abusive Apartheid State. The scar of that oppressive regime still remains with us up until today. Incidents such as the Marikana Massacre, the murder of Andries Tetane, and other related incidents of police brutality continues to erode our confidence in the Police Services. Most South Africans feel that we are losing the fight against crime.
Crime Summits have come and gone, but there has been a lack of political will to implement the policies experts have told the government will work. However, when there is political will and urgency, like in the run up and preparation to the 2010 World cup, the Police and Security Services can reduce crime dramatically, through the establishment of priority courts and through speedy successful prosecutions get criminals behind bars within days.