ACDP outraged at intimidation/suspension of Glynnis Breytenbach

Steve Swart says NPA prosecutor has reported being followed, shot at and almost driven off road


ACDP MP long-standing member of the Justice and Constitutional Development Portfolio Committee, Steve Swart , has expressed outrage at the suspension and attempts to intimidate top NPA prosecutor, Glynnis Breytenbach (see Beeld report):

"The ACDP is outraged by the revelation by top National Prosecution Authority anti-corruption prosecutor, Adv Glynnis Breyetnbach, of a sustained campaign of intimidation against her, including being shot at, almost being driven off the road, still being followed, and now being suspended.

It is very clear that this campaign of intimidation is linked to Adv. Breytenbach's involvement in high-profile cases, including her resistance to the dropping of charges against crime intelligence boss, Richard Mdluli and the ICT and Malema matters.

Prosecutors must be able to perform their tasks without fear, favour or prejudice. In this case, a very senior prosecutor is systematically being prevented from carrying out her duties. Surely, on this Workers Day, Adv Breytenbach is entitled to the full protection of the law, including protection from intimidation and personal harm, to do her work.

The ACDP has previously expressed concerns about the safety of prosecutors involved in high-profile cases and was given the assurance by the NPA that sufficient protection mechanisms were in place to provide personal protection, where necessary. This case cries out for such urgent protection. The ACDP calls on the NPA to urgently provide bodyguards for Adv. Breyetenbach, considering that she states she is still being followed. 

While the acting National Director of Public Prosecutions, Adv. Nomgcobo Jiba, has denied that there was any link between Breytenbach's suspension and the Mdluli enquiry, or that there had been any instructions or political pressure to drop the charges against Mdluli, this intimidation campaign suggests otherwise.

How is it possible that such a senior prosecutor is suspended following a mere  letter complaining about her conduct in the ICT matter, while Mdluli, who is alleged to have committed murder and allegedly abused a R300 million slush fund remains in office?

 Something is seriously wrong, and we as Parliamentarians will pursue this matter urgently and demand a full explanation as to why Breytenbach was suspended and has not been provided with body guards."

Statement issued by Steve Swart MP, African Christian Democratic Party, May 1 2012

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