Acting CEO suspended over black babies remark - SAHRC

Commission says it will leave no stone unturned in investigating the incident

Steps Taken by the SAHRC Regarding the Racial incident of 23 February 2023

03 March 2023

The South African Human Rights Commission (the Commission or SAHRC), as an institution supporting constitutional democracy, wishes to assure the public that it does not condone racism or any other violation of the rights entrenched in the Constitution. It greatly regrets the incident of Thursday, 23 February 2023 in which its then Acting Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Chantal Kisoon, was alleged by the staff of the Commission as having used a racial slur against them.

It will leave no stone unturned in investigating the incident and dealing with the perpetrator should it be found, in an independent process, that she indeed used a racial slur and violated the dignity of her colleagues. The Commission has tirelessly fought against racism and will continue to do so even within its own ranks.

Following the allegation that the Acting CEO had referred to senior managers as “black babies” during an operational plan meeting, the Commissioners have taken several steps to deal with the matter.

Commissioners immediately met and consulted with both the senior managers and the Acting CEO, to acquaint themselves better with the facts and the context in which the alleged offensive conduct took place.

Noting the egregious nature of the allegation against the Acting CEO, Commissioners resolved to immediately initiate an investigation into the incident, to be conducted by an independent person who will report back to the Commissioners with findings and recommendations. Such independent person may be a retired judge or senior attorney or senior advocate. The process of drafting the terms of reference for appointing such an independent person have started and it is expected that the person will be appointed soon.

Commissioners have resolved to place the Acting CEO on precautionary suspension in terms of the rules of the Commission, pending the investigation.  

The Commissioners also appointed Ms. Lorinda Lynn, the acting CFO, to act as CEO. Somebody else will be appointed to act as Chief Financial Officer.

The Commission will continue to exercise its mandate of protecting, promoting and monitoring human rights without fear, favour or prejudice, and serving the public and their interest to the best of its ability.  

Since this will be an ongoing investigation, the Commission will not be taking media interviews on the matter in order to preserve the integrity of the process. However, it will update the public from time to time as appropriate.

Statement issued by the SAHRC, 3 March 2023