AfriForum neighbourhood watch prevents farm attack

It is clear that the attackers planned the crimes well and also know the area very well

Success: AfriForum neighbourhood watch prevents farm attack

1 September 2022

The AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Brits, North West, on 31 August managed to prevent a farm attack.

Around midnight, the neighbourhood watch received an emergency call from a resident on a farm outside the town. According to the victim, at that stage a group of suspects had already cut her farm’s fence and were breaking down her house’s door. AfriForum neighbourhood watch members reacted immediately and the attackers fled the scene.

Sniffer dogs were deployed to track down the suspects.

Two hours later, the neighbourhood watch received another emergency call in the same area. In this incident, a security guard was attacked by a group of eight suspects. The attackers were once again pursued and several observation posts were set up in the area.

Neighbourhood watch members followed the attackers’ trail and caught them in the act while they were breaking into a third premises. The suspects fled into the neighbouring farm’s fields.

The group of eight was involved in all three incidents.

“It is clear that the attackers planned the crimes well and also know the area very well. We are grateful that the first victim was prepared and is part of our safety structures. This led to members being able to react quickly and possibly prevented further incidents,” says Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s spokesperson for Community Safety.

“The arrogance of the attackers to commit a series of crimes one after the other while they are on the run, shows once again what an enormous challenge we face, therefore we call on the public to get involved with their nearest AfriForum neighbourhood watch. The reality is that we have to take responsibility for our own safety,” concludes Broodryk.

Issued by Jacques Broodryk, Spokesperson: Community Safety, AfriForum, 1 September 2022