Auditor-General needs to re-audit SA Express
I will today write to the Auditor-General (AG) to request an urgent re-audit of SA Express' activities. It was yesterday reported that SA Express' financial position for the previous year has been fraudulently misrepresented as a result of the entity's management providing incomplete information (see Business Times report).
The current annual report and financial statements for SA Express' 2010/2011 performance are therefore woefully inadequate as they do not reflect all the required information. We need a new report to give us an accurate summary of SA Express' financial position as of March 2011.
Two important steps need to be taken to get to the bottom of the situation at SA Express:
The Auditor-General, Terence Nombembe, needs to re-audit SA Express to get an accurate summation of its actual financial position.
Those responsible for withholding financial information about SA Express should be identified and held to account. Currently, auditing firm SizweNtsaluba is conducting a forensic investigation into SA Express' accounting practices, which should reveal who these people are.