Alarming increase in child murders a grave concern – Refiloe Nt’sekhe

DA MPL says a woman in Vaal was allegedly caught red-handed, burning her newborn baby girl

Alarming increase in child murders a grave concern as woman allegedly burns her new-born baby

25 October 2022

The alarming increase in child murder cases across the country is a clear indication that the lives of children are in danger, yet the South African Police Service (SAPS) is ill-equipped, untrained, under-resourced and failing to ensure the safety of the children.

In a recent incident that was reported to the Democratic Alliance (DA) Councillor, Mariana Kruger, a woman in Vaal was allegedly caught red-handed, burning her newborn baby girl.

The local leader was allegedly caught by a recycler at the Tshepiso Smartising Dumping site and has since been arrested and charged with murder.

South Africa has a scourge of gender-based violence, and in most cases, the victims are innocent children.

The DA proposes that the Gauteng Department of Social Development prioritises reviving awareness campaigns on gender-based violence and child abuse to save our children.

In addition, rising unemployment and increase in food prices and cost of living are concerns as families can no longer afford to put food on the table, and children are now suffering due to starvation. Many families are relying more on the government for support.

Therefore, it is unacceptable that the Gauteng Department of Social Development constantly fails to spend its budget on poverty alleviation programmes. In the 2021/22 financial year, the department failed to spend R122 million, which could have been used to provide support to struggling families.

The safety and future of children are of utmost importance to the DA, and we will continue to fight to ensure that they are protected. The DA demands that the Gauteng MEC for Social Development, Mbali Hlophe, must speed up the process of placing children into foster care and adoption to ensure their safety.

A capable DA-led Gauteng government will ensure that this department spends its entire allocated budget to benefit the province's most vulnerable people. This will ensure that all our children are protected as residents will have access to social welfare services that will assist them in raising their children. We will also ensure that children are not denied their right to a caring home, as we will also reduce the backlog in foster care placement and adoption.

Issued by Refiloe Ntšekhe, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Social Development, 25 October 2022