Alex turns 100 years old - ANC

Party celebrates township's centenary, coinciding as it does with its own


The African National Congress (ANC) joins millions of Alexandra residents and all South Africans, today 22nd May 2012, in celebrating the centenary of one of the oldest townships in our country - Alexandra. Alexandra was established in 1912.

"Alex", as it is affectionately known, shares its centenary with the one of the oldest revolutionary movement in Africa and the world, the African National Congress (ANC).

It is an uncontested fact that the history of Alex depicts the history of South Africa during apartheid and colonial rule. It also depicts the history of our people during our democratic dispensation since 1994.

Alex during the apartheid era failed to attract white residents in the year which it was established; as a result, it was proclaimed a "native township". Later it was classified under the land act of 1913 as one of the few urban areas where black people could live and own land under a freehold title.

In 1916 the population of Alexandra had grown to 30 000. As its population grew, Alex's infrastructure became increasingly dire. With swelling shack settlements, untarred roads, no sewage systems or street lights. It turned into a ghetto, while the rest of Johannesburg lit up at night It became known as Dark City.

Regardless of the challenges at the time, many black South Africans established Alex as their home and enjoyed their lives and raised their families there. Alex became a home of musical, arts, sport and political activism. Amongst some of the notable political activities is the 1957 Alexandra Bus Boycott, a protest undertaken against the Public Utility Transport Corporation (Putco).

The riots that started in Soweto in June 1976 quickly spread to other areas such as Alex, where 19 people were killed. 

It was only with the end of apartheid in 1994 that concerted efforts were made to begin the long process of turning Alex into a place which people could live and raise families in dignity. 

Currently the population of Alex has grown to 470,000 people. In 1999, Alex hosted the All Africa Games Athletes at the Village built in the township. In 2009, President Jacob Zuma as part of the Alexandra Renewal Initiative opened the Pan Africa Shopping Centre in Alex, as amongst the many developmental initiatives by the ANC led government. This act is amongst many efforts by the ANC government to instill a culture of civil pride in Alex. 

Amongst notable  former and current residents of Alex includes Nelson Mandela (former ANC President), Kgalema Motlanthe (ANC Deputy President), Samora Machel (the late Mozambiquan president), Alfred Nzo (the late former ANC Secretary General), Joe Modise (Commander of MK),  Paul Mashatile (ANC Gauteng Chairperson) and Obed Bapela ( Deputy Minister in the Presidency for Performance Monitoring and Evaluation).  All of them have played a meaningful role in the liberation and the democratization of our country.

The ANC and its government will stop at nothing to make sure that other apartheid designated townships are turned into beacons of hope and dwellings that will instil pride to many of our people who live in them.  

Khula Alex khula!!!

Statement issued by Jackson Mthembu, ANC National Spokesperson, May 22 2012

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