Release of member's interests shows amazing road to wealth of ANC government clique
Not since the establishment of the Boer Republics, the SA Union and the Republic of South Africa did government leaders enrich themselves as quickly as the people in the sphere of influence of the ANC government are doing at present, Adv, Anton Alberts, the FF Plus' parliamentary spokesperson on finance said.
Media reports today reported on the parliamentary register of member's interests from which it appears that under the leadership of president Jacob Zuma a culture has been established in the party to avoid questions about sensitive issues or to side-step them by not answering the questions.
The aim of the register is to give the public insight into parliamentary member's financial interests and properties to promote transparency.
Some of the issues which have come to light, are the 50% shares of Adv. Ngoako Ramathlodi, minister of mineral resources, in mining companies (Beeld, 19 September 2014).
Baleka Mbete, Speaker of the National Assembly, according to the register has approximately R25 million in shares in Rich Cove Investments (Pty.) Ltd., as well as nearly R2 million in shares in Truncard Trading (Pty.) Ltd.