27 September 2011
On 20 September 2011, the ANC Parliamentary Caucus took a decision to withdraw the Protection of State Information Bill from the Parliamentary programme, pending further consultations with interest groups, civil society and individual members of the public.
The need for further consultation on the Bill, in addition to the extensive public engagement that has already taken place under the now dissolved parliamentary Ad Hoc Committee, will afford particularly individuals and formations which are yet to have a say on the Bill an opportunity to do so.
In this regard, the Office of the Chief Whip has established an ANC Information Bill Committee. The Committee will be responsible for coordinating public engagement with representatives from civil society, non-governmental and community-based organisations and interested individuals on the draft bill.
Public meetings, the details of which will be communicated in due course, will be held in all the provinces to garner inputs from members of the public. This will ensure that we do not only listen to the views of well-financed lobby groups with means to travel to Cape Town, but also those of ordinary people in the remotest villages.