ANC in full support of SA’s case against Israel in the IJC

Today marks a momentous occasion for ANC, as longstanding tradition of standing in solidarity with People of Palestine continues

ANC in full support of SA’s case against Israel in the IJC

11 January 2024

As South Africa's delegation prepares to make their case in The Hague, the African National Congress (ANC) stands firmly behind them, rallying their unwavering support. Today marks a momentous occasion for the ANC, as the team led by Comrade Lamola advances our longstanding tradition of standing in solidarity with the People of Palestine.

Our commitment to ending the genocide against the Palestinian people is truly commendable. They are heartened by the growing international support for South Africa's case against Israel, and they call upon all peace-loving individuals worldwide to unite in demanding an immediate end to the atrocities committed. The ANC believes that together, we can make a difference and bring about the change that is desperately needed.

At the core of the ongoing conflict lies the fundamental right of a people to peacefully coexist on their own land, within the boundaries established before 1967. The ANC firmly believes that the time for war has passed, and urgent humanitarian interventions are necessary. We advocate for a peaceful resolution that upholds the rights of the Palestinians to their land and freedom, in accordance with International Law. With an unwavering stance, the ANC is determined to see justice prevail and a brighter future for all.

Former President Mandela clarion call for the liberation of Palestine, has become a symbol of hope from the people of South Africa to the people of Palestine. Our tireless efforts in advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people have garnered widespread admiration and support. South Africa is poised to make a compelling case for justice and accountability, urging the international community to take a stand against the atrocities committed against the Palestinians.

The ANC's solidarity with the People of Palestine is deeply rooted in our own history of struggle against apartheid. We understand the pain and suffering that comes with being oppressed and marginalized, and we refuse to turn a blind eye to the injustices faced by the Palestinian people. The ANC firmly believes that no nation should be subjected to occupation, colonization, and systematic discrimination, and we are committed to amplify the voices of the Palestinians and advocate for their rights.

The ANC's commitment to ending the genocide against the Palestinian people extends beyond mere rhetoric. We believe that by taking a principled stance and standing in solidarity with the Palestinians, we can contribute to the global movement for justice and equality.

Our unwavering support for the Palestinian people is not driven by any religious or ethnic bias, but rather by a commitment to upholding the principles of human rights and international law. We firmly believe that the ongoing conflict can only be resolved through peaceful negotiations and a commitment to justice. The ANC calls upon all peace-loving individuals and nations to join them in demanding an immediate end to the atrocities committed against the Palestinians and to work towards a just and lasting solution that respects the rights and dignity of all parties involved.

We acknowledge that our stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not without controversy, as it has faced criticism from some quarters. However, the party remains steadfast in its belief that justice and peace can only be achieved through a fair and equitable resolution that respects the rights of all parties involved. The ANC's commitment to the Palestinian cause is a testament to our unwavering dedication to the principles of justice, equality, and human rights, and our belief in the power of collective action to bring about meaningful change.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson, ANC, 11 January 2024