ANC rejects opposition to Monareng chairmanship

Statement issued by the party's parliamentary caucus, January 14 2009

Calls for reconsideration of the Chair of Ad-hoc Committee on Adv Pikoli

The ANC Parliamentary Caucus rejects calls by the opposition that the appointment of Mr Oupa Monareng to the position of the Chairperson of the Joint Ad-hoc Committee on the removal of the National Director of Public Posecutions should be reconsidered.

We wish to state that Mr Oupa Monareng, who was today appointed by the multiparty Ad-hoc Committee as its Chairperson, is by law eligible to be a member of the national legislature and there is nothing that legally prevents him from holding any position the institution deploys him to.

Section 47(e) of the constitution only disqualifies individuals convicted of an offence to more than 12 months imprisonment without an option of a fine from becoming members of parliament. Mr Monareng was only fined for an offence about a decade ago and has never received any prison sentence. Provisions of the constitution should not be conveniently disregarded by those who profess to uphold and respect it merely to attain political mileage.

Since joining Parliament in 2004, he has served the institution with integrity and distinction in various capacities, including as the Committee Whip. It boggles the mind why some parties have only elected to question his ability now after all these years.

Caucus congratulates the multiparty Ad-hoc committee's decision to elect Mr Monareng and Kgoshi Mathupa Mokoena respectively as co-Chairpersons. We wish them well in their work and further assure them of our support.

Statement issued by the ANC Parliamentary Caucus, January 14 2009