ANC should return Khulubuse Zuma's donation - FF+

Pieter Groenewald says businessman has bought govt's silence over Aurora


"Aurora 's co-owner, Khulubuse Zuma's donation of R1 million to the ANC is scandalous. While workers of Aurora in Orkney and Grootvlei starve because their salaries have not been paid, R1 million is available for the ANC (see Sunday Times report).

This confirms that Aurora is buying its influence from government and why government is reluctant to intervene against Aurora , despite the contravention of the country's laws," Mr. Pieter Groenewald, (MP), the provincial leader of the Freedom Front Plus in the Northwest says.

"The owners have an arrogant and defiant attitude and are abusing the legal system to delay the paying of salaries. Ministers and the ANC always make a big noise about farmers not paying their workers a minimum wage but Aurora does not pay its workers at all.

About this the ANC is quiet and it is evident why because the owners have family ties with president Zuma and are now also donating money to the ANC. If the ANC is really serious about job-creation and the interests of workers, it should refuse to accept the donation," Groenewald said.

Statement issued by Mr. Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus MP and provincial leader: Northwest, April 11 2011

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