ANC sold out SA in defence of Zuma - Mmusi Maimane

DA leader says not a single ANC MP was able to defend the President's economic track record

ANC has sold out South Africans in defence of Zuma 

01 March 2016

Instead of putting the interests of South Africa first, the ANC Parliamentary Caucus chose to side with the narrow interests of one man, President Jacob Zuma, in today’s Motion of No Confidence.

While ANC MP’s were required to put forward a comprehensive argument as to why Parliament should continue to have confidence in President Zuma, it is telling that not one single ANC MP defended President Zuma’s track record in managing the economy and the unemployment crisis. That is because there is not one single reason to continue having confidence in President Zuma.

The National Assembly is charged, through the Constitution, to hold the President and his Executive accountable, and the ANC majority in the NA failed in executing this duty.

Members of President Zuma’s Cabinet also refused to recuse themselves from today’s vote, prioritizing their own pay cheques as opposed to the 8.2 million South Africans who do not have one.

The Democratic Alliance afforded the ANC the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to the people of South Africa but they chose to draw a line in the sand, with the needs and aspirations of our people on one side, and the selfish needs and interest of President Zuma on the other side.

While the President evaded accountability today, we are confident that his day will come, when he is finally held accountable for his current and past sins, which include Nkandla, the Arms Deal, and the mismanagement of the economy.

The ANC has today sacrificed 8.2 million jobless South Africans for one man. The DA remains the only hope for South Africa and the 8.2 million South Africans whose dreams have been deferred by an uncaring Jacob Zuma ANC.

Statement issued by DA leader, Mmusi Maimane, 1 March 2016