Desperate ANC doing all it can to bypass legitimate Parliamentary process on land
The ANC’s attempt to undermine the recently concluded Constitutional Review Committee’s (CRC) land hearings by running a parallel process through its branches to influence the outcome of the hearings is dangerous and undermines the authority of Parliament.
According to reports today, the ANC top 6 gained access to the approximately 700 000 written submissions made by the public on Expropriation without compensation (EWC) at the end of July. Most of these submissions opposed a change of Section 25 of the Constitution.
In order to ‘cook the books’, the ANC resolved to instruct its branches to collect more submissions from its members to support the ANC’s position, for possible submission to the CRC. This is despite the deadline for submissions being closed.
The work of the CRC is entirely funded by Parliament, not the ANC and the fact that the ANC irregularly gained access to these submissions before Parliament did, utterly undermines the current Parliamentary process. This proves that changing the Constitution to allow for EWC is just an electioneering effort that seems to have backfired.
The ANC has also apparently earmarked 139 farms, belonging to farmers who previously rejected offers under the ‘willing buyer, willing seller model’, to be expropriated without compensation. While some compensation will be offered, the value will be determined by the valuer-general, expropriation notices could be issued if the offer is rejected, and then tested in court. Reports indicate that this process is already underway, again bypassing Parliamentary processes.