ANC welcomes arrest of Soweto arsonist suspects

Jackson Mthembu calls on protestors to desist from burning property


The African National Congress (ANC) strongly condemns as a pure criminal act any form of violence applied by some individuals or groups as means to draw attention to community grievances, as seen in Soweto's Chiawelo township.

We welcome the swift action by members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), which has led to the arrest of five suspects following the burning down on Tuesday of a house belonging to ward councillor Johannes Nemaungani and former councillor Mirriam Ramafola. We also urge the police to make arrest of all those who were involved in this incident.

The arrests certainly send a clear message to those behind the violence that no one is above the law. We therefore, call on all South Africans who may have genuine grievances to desist from engaging in unlawful and criminal activities like the burning of private and public property.

We should all remember that South Africa is a civilised and constitutional democracy with rights of individuals and groups guaranteed. Barbaric and heinous acts as seen in Chiawelo will be met with the full might of the law wherever they occur.

Statement issued by Jackson Mthembu, ANC National Spokesperson, July 7 2011

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