ANC's games distract from solutions to cholera outbreak – DA Tshwane

Party says opposition is shifting blame for challenges at Rooiwal Wastewater rather than focusing on finding solutions

ANC's political games distract from solutions to cholera outbreak - DA in Tshwane focused on solutions

23 May 2023

On behalf of the DA in Tshwane, I am compelled to respond to a recent statement issued by the ANC Gauteng. It is concerning that, amidst a rapidly developing public health situation with all facts not yet known, the ANC is playing political games and engaging in shifting blame for the ongoing challenges at the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Plant, rather than focusing on finding solutions.

While we have yet to pinpoint the exact source of the current cholera outbreak, this situation underscores the need for us to scrutinize water quality in Hammanskraal. It is crucial that we address the issues without the distraction of baseless accusations.

It is hard to overlook that the current challenges at the Rooiwal wastewater treatment plant are linked to past management decisions and insufficient investment in essential water infrastructure. The closure of the Temba Water Purification Plant in August 2011, under the ANC's watch, was a significant setback for many residents and served as a clear indication of the deteriorating water quality.

In fact, upon transitioning from the ANC to the mayoralty of Solly Msimanga, under a DA-led coalition, we found water quality in Hammanskraal to be alarmingly compromised. Tests conducted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) showed high concentrations of nitrites, nitrates, and E. coli traces in the tap water.

Despite these inherited challenges, the Multi-Party Coalition government has been proactive in addressing the water crisis. We have allocated resources to urgently deal with the infrastructure issues and aim to provide reliable water for Hammanskraal's residents. Nevertheless, overcoming years of infrastructural neglect requires time, patience, and sustained effort. Thus far, our requests for assistance from ANC National and Provincial Governments have been unsuccessful.

On 14 April 2021, then-Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Ms Lindiwe Sisulu, visited the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Works and committed the national government to assist the City in repairing the facilities at Rooiwal.

In October and November 2022, then-MMC for Utilities and Regional Operations, Cllr Daryl Johnston, again raised the matter with national government. Cllr Johnston indicated that Tshwane would require assistance as the work needed at these facilities would come at a significant cost, well beyond the capacity of the City of Tshwane's budget.

Despite these efforts by DA members of the City of Tshwane executive, no adequate follow-up ever came from the ANC National government on this vital matter.

It is regrettable that the ANC seems more focused on political maneuvering than on addressing the needs of the Hammanskraal residents. The community deserves more than the current cycle of accusations and finger-pointing.

I urge the ANC to focus on the welfare of the people they represent. Let's acknowledge the issues and work together with the Multi-Party Coalition government to find durable solutions for the water crisis in Hammanskraal. It is likely that this situation of public health importance is not geographically limited only to Hammanskraal or the region. Across South Africa, billions of litres of sewage flow into rivers on a daily basis.

The DA has on multiple occasions laid complaints with such entities as the SAHRC and the Green Scorpions. We cannot allow narrow political interests to divert from the magnitude of the challenge faced by millions, but now tragically highlighted by circumstances in Hammanskraal.

Hammanskraal residents, like all South Africans, deserve transparency, accountability, and genuine efforts to address their immediate concerns. It is time for the ANC to collaborate for the community's betterment.

Issued by Jacqui Uys, DA Tshwane Caucus Chair, 23 May 2023