Statement of the African National Congress Youth League in Gauteng on DIRCO utterances on Russia-Ukraine tensions
24 February 2022
The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) in Gauteng is baffled by the sudden utterances of pensioners who have all but abandoned their responsibility of governing the Republic of South Africa. This is in light of a series of statements attributed to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) regarding the ongoing Russia-Ukraine tensions and the apparent "intervention" of South Africa.
Minister Naledi Pandor, the chief-pensioner in pursuit of appeasing the West and Africa's former coloniser has been bending over backwards to reiterate western propaganda and paint a pro-USA narrative through statements issued by DIRCO.
Instead of dealing with the mammoth task of dismantling apartheid systems and transforming our country for the benefit of the African majority, the old guard in South Africa is now plunged headfirst into a political situation which is the doing of the West.
Instead of our government confronting the massive unemployment crisis facing the young people of this country, the government is engaged in a bizarre and fruitless PR exercise to carry favour and with no doubt additional loans and donations from the west, a shadow of their former revolutionary character which was imparted to them by the mighty African National Congress.