ANCYL planning on 70%+ victory for ANC

Letter from Youth League president Julius Malema to the organisation's structures, April 20 2009



DATE: 20 APRIL 2009

Dear Comrades

The 22nd of April 2009 will be the destiny of a long journey we embarked upon, led and guarded by the African National Congress Youth League since our 22nd National Congress. We have over the years proven that we are indeed the defenders of the African National Congress. The historic role of the ANC YL is embodied on the progressive redefinition and strengthening of the struggle for the emancipation of the black majority and Africans in particular.

The founding generation of the ANC YL, which included Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Anton Lambede, Mxolisi Majombozi, Robert Resha and others completely redefined methods of struggle and gave the ANC new energy through methods which were at times uncomfortable with the ANC leadership.

The ANC YL former President Patrick Molaoa led a dedicated contingent which fought in the Spolile Campaign in 1968, and lost his life fighting for the emancipation of the people of South Africa. The young Chris Hani mobilised young revolutions with intentions to revitalise and giving new energy to liberation fighters in a process which led to the 1969 Morogoro Conference.

The 1976 generation led a very militant struggle against the nonsensical and brutal apartheid regime in a manner and bravery which remains unparalleled to this day. The young lions generation under the leadership of Peter Mokaba ran South Africa ungovernable and incubated energy to the struggle for liberation thus leaving the apartheid regime with no option but to negotiate.

During negotiations, the ANC YL gave the additional energy and zest to the negotiation process, in a manner which illustrated to the apartheid regime that young people are ready to continue the fight for liberation and total independence of South Africa.

Post democratic dispensation, the ANC YL has been the only organisation at the forefront of instituting youth development into mainstream work of government, civil society and the private sector. The betterment of South Africa's youth has and continues to be our primary pre-occupation.

When the ANC was almost diverted from its historical obligation to lead South Africans by a devious faction, which abused State institutions against then ANC Deputy President Jacob Zuma, the ANC YL was at the forefront of defending the ANC, the rule of law, and Comrade Jacob Zuma. The ANC YL led a clear and determined political programme to revitalise the ANC and elect new determined leadership with President Zuma at the helm. The ANC YL made the intention that President Jacob Zuma should be President of the Republic of South Africa very clear, and we concluding that mission on the 22nd of April 2009. The election of President Zuma as President of the Republic signals the beginning of intensified service delivery and building of sustainable livelihoods and communities. The incoming 5 years will be years of action, which should qualitatively and quantitatively improve the living conditions of people. 

It is this historical mission which the current generation of the ANC YL has to complete and intensify. We have a responsibility to go out in our numbers to vote for the ANC. The ANC YL at all levels of its existence has been at the forefront of elections work. We are aware that in all Provinces, Regions, Sub-Regions, Zones and Branches, you as members of the ANC YL constituted majority of ANC Volunteers and Campaigners. As members of the ANC YL, you should take pride that you are part of a generation which has defended the ANC in a challenging environment and conjecture.

Nothing we did and said as the ANC YL during the elections period is inconsistent with what the previous generations did. We are glad that you as members stood in defence of the leadership when our detractors and media distorted what we have always said.

The leadership of the ANCYL has travelled to all Provinces, visited almost all institutions of higher learning, and went to areas the ANC never went before. Our operation Siyabangena became very successful in mobilising people who were traditionally not associated with the ANC. Our elections approach was centred on converting people who are not converted and we are convinced that we have succeeded.

On Wednesday the 22nd of April 2009, you are expected as Members and Volunteers of the ANC YL to be the first ones to vote. You should be at Voting Stations at least by 05H00, and be the first ones to vote when stations open at 07H00. Thereafter, all Volunteers should go out in communities to mobilise voters and assist the elderly and disabled make safe and peaceful transitions to Voting Stations. At 21H00 when Voting Stations close, ANC YL members should ensure the safety of all Voters and that Voting Stations are not tempered with.

The ANC YL Volunteers should be at the forefront of making sure that all Voters, including from opposition parties, are safe and vote in a Free and Fair environment. The ANC YL Volunteers have a responsibility to ensure a free and fair voting environment. 

As young people of this country, you have a responsibility to assure Nelson Mandela that indeed the historical obligation of the ANC to lead South Africa and help build a united, non-racial society will not be betrayed.

Best wishes to first time voters and please know that voting for the ANC is the most exciting and liberating exercise ever, so do not miss that opportunity. The ANC YL Secretary General will soon give indications on the details of the celebrations parties we will have across provinces to thank the Volunteers and celebrate the more than 70% victory of the ANC.

We wish you well and kind regards,

Julius Malema


Issued by the ANC Youth League, April 20 2009

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