Apartheid Israeli water tech is not the solution to South Africa’s water crisis!
15 August 2022
The End Water Apartheid campaign strongly condemns Jewish National Fund (JNF) sponsored meetings last Thursday and Friday and arrangements between elected municipal officers, officials and an Israeli delegation of so-called ‘water experts.’ The DA Mayor of Tshwane, Randall Williams, MMC Sun of City of Joburg and their colleagues must be denounced for complicity with an apartheid state promulgating the myth that buying Israeli water technology will ‘solve’ our water crisis.
The JNF, established with the sole purpose of acquiring land for Jewish settlers, is notorious for greenwashing - planting trees to erase all trace of Palestinian villages. Through its subsidiaries, the JNF is currently evicting Palestinians from their land in the Naqab, the West Bank and Jerusalem to expand illegal Israeli settlements.
Israel and its water corporations weaponise water in an attempt to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. As they battle for water on the ground, Palestinians have repeatedly called on the world to stop financing this water apartheid, to boycott Israel’s water companies and refuse to greenwash Israeli crimes. Already in 2009, Amnesty International published a report that examined how Israel has stolen Palestinian water sources and restricts access to water for Palestinians while the JNF boasts of building dams and reservoirs that only serve Jewish Israelis, including their military bases.
Israel’s water apartheid is by definition opposed to any policy and vision that promotes justice, equality and water as a human right. Its occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights gives Israel control over a major water source. In Gaza, under siege by Israel for 15 years, 97% of the water is undrinkable. The 2.048 million people living in this open air prison were this month bombed yet again by Israel, killing 49 people including 17 children and further damaging water, sanitation and other infrastructure. In the occupied West Bank the Jordan River is being drained dry - it is estimated that the over 600,000 illegal Israeli settlers consume three to eight times more water than the 2.8 million Palestinians living under violent occupation.