ARC employees submit grievance over CEO's racist remark - Solidarity

Union says members are upset by anti-white remarks by Shadrack Moephuli

Solidarity members submit grievance against CEO of ARC over racist remark

More than 130 members of the trade union Solidarity employed by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) yesterday submitted a group grievance against the council's CEO, Shadrack Moephuli, after he was recently quoted as saying that the ARC is "still a bastion of apartheid".

According to Solidarity spokesperson Ilze Nieuwoudt, employees are extremely unhappy about Moephuli's remark. In November, Moephuli told an agriculture magazine that the critical shortage of scientists, as well as the ageing of the council's labour force presented a challenge to the ARC and that the organisation was still a bastion of apartheid. In addition, Moephuli also said that transformation in the ARC was not an easy task because the majority of employees at the organisation and in related fields were white.

In terms of the grievance of Solidarity members at the ARC, the remark was racist and the comment had a negative impact on employees' morale. "The employees who signed the grievance meanwhile maintain that they are completely and utterly committed to a non-racial and non-sexist ARC, but believes that Moephuli's approach to white employees in particular here is unacceptable and racist," Nieuwoudt explained. Solidarity is now insisting on a written apology from Moephuli for his statements.

Solidarity gave Moephuli until this coming Friday, 22 January to present his apology. Solidarity maintains that if Moephuli does not resolve the matter urgently, it will be referred to the chairman of the ARC Board.

Statement issued by Solidarity, January 19 2010

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