EFF Gauteng condemns attack on Joburg by-election operational centre

Fighters say eight men assaulted a lady and her son and stole valuable items

EFF Gauteng statement on the break-in at the EFF elections operational center in Ward 07 Finetown

17 June 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters Gauteng condemns with strongest terms, the attack on the EFF Elections Operational Centre in Ward 07, Finetown Johannesburg.

Last night, about 8 males attacked and broke into the EFF Operational Centre where the EFF elections material and necessaries are. These men assaulted a lady and her son and took valuable items belonging to her, the son and EFF. While assaulting the lady and her son, these men further demanded that she give them elections campaign money she received from the EFF.

The EFF sees this not as an incident of criminality, but a coordinated attack on the party, with an aim to intimidate its members and sabotage its program. The Ward Councillor By-elections in Ward 07, Finetown will be taking place on the 28th of June, and the EFF has been working hard to engage the community members on the significance and the need to vote for the EFF. This incident seeks to undermine the commendable work done by the ground forces of the EFF in Finetown.

The EFF condemns this barbaric behavior and calls on the of other political formations to call out this undemocratic and criminal activity as it undermines our constitutional values of political rights and freedoms of association and expression. We also call on the South African Police Services to take this case with the seriousness it deserves and to ensure that culprits are brought to account.

The EFF will not be intimidated by such attempts. 10 years into existence, the EFF has survived persecutions, and the organization continues to grow faster and stronger. The EFF calls on fighters in Finetown to intensify the campaign, to engage our people with confidence and without fear of intimidation. We also encourage the people of Ward 07 to associate with the EFF and trust it with their vote on the day of the election.

Issued by Nkululeko Dunga, Provincial Chairperson, EFF Gauteng, 18 June 2023