Attack on SAPS facility exposes Cele’s failure – Okkie Terblanche

DA MP says Ramaphosa should set aside his loyalty to the ANC and immediately remove Bheki Cele

Brazen attack on SAPS facility exposes failure of policing and crime intelligence under Bheki Cele

17 July 2023

The assault on a South African Police Service (SAPS) facility by twelve armed gunmen last night unequivocally demonstrates the failure of effective policing and crime intelligence under Police Minister Bheki Cele.

In this shocking attack, the gunmen, disguised in SAPS uniforms, infiltrated a building that houses confiscated goods, drugs, and a significant cache of SAPS weapons. It is evident that their primary objective was to steal these weapons and drugs to perpetuate their reign of violence on the streets.

What makes this attack particularly alarming is that it is a culmination of Bheki Cele's inability to manage and oversee a competent police force. Instances such as the assault by Deputy President Paul Mashatile's VIP blue light entourage, who remain unapprehended even after fifteen days despite clear evidence, highlight the extent of the problem.

Such treatment has allowed criminal syndicates to infiltrate every aspect of our lives, from coal and mining to Eskom, water tanker, trucking, construction, and even weapons mafias. This pervasive criminal influence is decimating our economy and undermining our nation.

The situation has deteriorated to the point where the ANC in KZN has resorted to negotiating with construction mafias. It is inconceivable that a government would engage with economic terrorists. This clearly demonstrates the government's failure in effective policing, crime intelligence, and appropriate budget allocation.

Minister Cele's disregard for the well-being of South African citizens is evident in his prioritisation of the ANC and its affiliates, as demonstrated by the continuous increase in VIP protection budgets while other crucial areas of policing suffer.

The assault on the SAPS building is a symptom of the underlying problem, and with an inept Minister in charge, criminals will only grow more audacious. The DA once again calls on President Ramaphosa to set aside his loyalty to the ANC and immediately remove Bheki Cele from his position if we ever hope to rescue South Africa from its current state as a mafia-controlled nation.

Issued by Okkie Terblanche, DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Police, 17 July 2023