Audit findings under coalition govt in Tshwane shocking – EFF Tshwane

Fighters say these are the worst in history of municipality if not since dawn of democratic local govt in SA

EFF Tshwane EFF statement on adverse audit findings under Democratic Alliance coalition government in Tshwane municipality

5 January 2023

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Tshwane is utterly shocked and dismayed at the Auditor General adverse fidings in the City of Tshwane Municipality, running into billions of rands wasted by the DA and its coalition partners.

The adverse finding is the worst in the history of Tshwane Municipality, if not the dawn of democratic local government in South Africa. The notorious African National Congress (ANC) in Tshwane who brought the city down to its knees in previous administrations, did not came anywhere near to what the DA and partners have done in the municipality.

The adverse finding means Tshwane Municipality has misrepresented the financial statements submitted to the auditor general. In simple terms, Tshwane municipality has lied to the auditor general and fabricated statements which do not exist in practice, thanks to the clean and good governance of the DA and coalition partners.

Whilst claiming to fight corruption and provide good governance in Tshwane, this is what the coalition government of the DA have done to the people of Tshwane:

- Irregular expenditure of 10 billion

- Fruitless and wasteful expenditure over 1 billion

- Assests worth over 52 billion not property accounted for.

- Over 800 million not properly accounted for payment of leave.

- Deviation from supply chain to a value of R488 411 847.

- Loss of electricity to a value of R2 136 888 813.

- Loss of water to a value of RI 083 402 391.

- Over 53 million paid to wrong beneficiary

The irregularities contained in the auditor general report reflect corruption of the highest order never seen in the municipality before. Regretfully, this happens in a municipality which claims not to have funds for delivery of basic services to the residents.

Tshwane EFF has stated repeatedly that the reign of Randal Williams over the city will wipe out the remains of a municipality, barely struggling to rise from the ashes of decades long corruption perpetrated by the ANC in municipality. Beyond reasonable doubt, Tshwane is led by a first grade intellectual criminal with a sanctimonious posture, systematically destroying the municipality in the name of "solid and stable coalition."

The abhorrence of corruption and its devastating effects calls for the partners of the DA in the municipality to ensure Randal Williams is held responsible. Frankly, Randal Williams and MMC for Finance Peter Sutton should be liable for prosecution in this matter.

Tshwane EFF will agrressively pursue the administration and the lameduck mayor on the incriminating findings outlined the report of the auditor general. To this end, the EFF will request for a special council sitting to deliberate on the report of the auditor general.

Futhermore, we call for the removal of the entire coalition government because they have failed Tshwane residents and misused municipal financial resources.

Accountability in the context of this report cannot be abdicated to the feeble coalition pack, which will send residents on a "scratch my back I scratch yours" tailspin. The EFF as a vanguard of the poor masses of our people will rise and demand accountability from DA councillors and their administrators in the municipality.

The fallacy peddled by the media and self-hating citizens about the misperceptions of the DA running clean governace must be rejected with contempt. This directly points to the EFF as the only option for clean and corrupt free government, to emancipate South Africa from the shackles of corruption and depravity.

Issued by Obakeng Ramabodu, Regional Chairperson, EFF Tshwane, 10 January 2023