Aurora looting claims another life - Solidarity

Gideon du Plessis says Hlelali Solimzima fell down pillaged mine shaft

Aurora plundering claims a life - Solidarity: Man falls 400m to his death in open Ndlovu shaft

After a massive search which continued for hours, police members discovered the body of a 30-year old man, Hlelali Solimzima of Springs, who fell 400m to his death in the Ndlovu shaft at Grootvlei mine over the weekend. According to trade union Solidarity, this accident is the direct result of Aurora's plundering and negligence which literally destroyed the once show shaft of the Grootvlei mine resulting in an open hole in the ground.

According to Gideon du Plessis, Deputy General Secretary of Solidarity, it is assumed that the man wanted to climb down the shaft, allegedly to mine. Meanwhile, the trade union also found out about two more people who fell 800m to their deaths a couple of months ago at the Daggafontein shaft which was also left open due to Aurora's plundering. Due to logistical challenges, a search for the two bodies was never initiated.

"Mr Solimzima died a terrible death. On his way down, his clothes were ripped from his body as he hit the various crossbeams and there wasn't a bone in his body that wasn't broken," Du Plessis explained. "The worst thing is that the Aurora directors who are responsible for the plundering of the mining assets, will probably never be held accountable for the death of Solimzima, because the incident took place after Aurora's removal and, to date, they have been untouchable. Although illegal mining could never be condoned, nobody reserves such a terrible death," Du Plessis said.

According to Du Plessis, the Department of Mineral Resources should also partly be held responsible for the tragedy. The trade union warned the department and the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources on 13 April of the danger the open shafts posed for residents by means of photos. "By then, Aurora had already violated several occupational health and safety laws and their mining licence should have been revoked immediately. The liquidators also contacted the department regarding the danger of the open shafts shortly after the removal of Aurora. After this incident, the liquidators also indicated to Solidarity that they will take immediate steps to close the open shafts," Du Plessis added.

Photos of the Ndlovu shaft before and after Aurora's plundering:





Statement issued by Gideon du Plessis, Deputy General Secretary: Solidarity, June 14 2011

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