Babita: Health corruption still rampant – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says if there was another Babita who tried to stop corruption, she would be silenced as well

Health corruption still rampant three years after Babita's murder

23 August 2024

Today is three years since the assassination of Babita Deokaran, but the mastermind who ordered her murder has not been found, and the rampant corruption she tried to stop continues in the Gauteng Health Department.

Although six men have been jailed for Babita's murder, it appears little is being done to find the mastermind in an investigation marred by incompetence.

More positive news is that the Special Investigating Unit have now uncovered an astounding 5500 transactions worth as much as R3 billion at the Tembisa Hospital. These come from a complex web of front companies, and the SIU say they are ready to use the Special Tribunal to prosecute and recover money.

This is much larger than the R850 million Babita flagged as "possibly fraudulent transactions" three weeks before her death.

The Gauteng Health Department, however, is dragging its heels in ensuring accountability, with inexcusable delays in the disciplinary inquiry into Chief Financial Officer Lerato Madyo, who has been suspended on full pay for two years.

My view is that the cover-up continues at the department. If there was another Babita who tried to stop corruption, she would be silenced as well.

The lack of concern about corruption is shown by the recent appointment of Mr Arnold Malotana as Head of Department despite a SIU investigation into a tender-rigging scheme where he allegedly shared a R8 million bribe with two other officials. This is detailed in this report: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2023-04-23-gauteng-health-bosses-accused-of-bid-rigging-for-tender-kickbacks/

Furthermore, Malotana is criticised in a Public Protector report for the irregular appointment of Dr Ashley Mthunzi as the CEO of Tembisa Hospital in that he ignored "material discrepancies" and rubberstamped Mthunzi's appointment.

I have referred possible irregularities in Malotana's HOD appointment to the Public Protector, who has informed me they have referred it to the Public Service Commission for investigation.

The DA will continue to push for full accountability and a thorough clean-up at the department to ensure true justice for Babita.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, 23 August 2024