Dlamini's hotel bills show that she is out of touch with the poor
In a weak attempt to justify the Minister of Social Development Bathabile Dlamini's extravagant hotel stays, spokesperson Lumka Oliphant reportedly said that ‘the very nature of the minister's work is working with the poor, who are in very rural areas of the country and which require her to be constantly out of the office together with her staff'.
An analysis of the Minister's hotel stays (which cost the public more than R760 000 and kept her lavishly accommodated for 166 nights between June 2009 and August 2011) shows that the Minister spent 132 nights (80% of her accommodated stays) in metro cities, including:
- 85 nights in Cape Town;
- 12 nights in Durban;
- 2 nights in Johannesburg;
- 31 nights in Pretoria; and
- 2 nights in Bloemfontein.
It is not clear how this brought the Minister closer to the "very rural areas" she apparently frequents.
The Minister's hotel preferences also hardly show that she was spending her time "out of the office" immersed in poor communities. Over the period for which we received information from the Department, she spent: