BELA: This is not a time for half measures – MKPYL

Youth League calls for the immediate implementation of clauses and condemns any delay as a betrayal of black South Africans

MKPYL condemns Minister Siviwe Gwarube’s betrayal and Ramaphosa’s appeasement of white interests

14 September 2024

The MK Party Youth League (MKPYL) strongly condemns both the disgraceful absence of Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube at the signing of the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill and President Cyril Ramaphosa's delay of Clauses 4 and 5.

Minister Gwarube's failure to attend this critical moment for black South Africans is a clear sign of betrayal. As a young black leader, she has chosen to serve her white handlers, who perpetuate an anti-black agenda, instead of uplifting her own people.

Her actions show she is ashamed of her blackness, refusing to support and fight for transformative policies that would empower black children and communities. The delay in implementing Clauses 4 and 5 which are key to dismantling the protection of the Afrikaans language privilege in public schools is another cowardly attempt to placate white interests. Ramaphosa's decision to delay these clauses by three months only benefits those who want to maintain exclusivity in schools and preserve Afrikaans as a gatekeeper of privilege. As black South Africans, we must reject Minister Gwarube and any leader who aligns themselves with the oppressors.

The MKPYL declares that the Government of National Unity (GNU) is crumbling and we welcome the collapse of a coalition built on deceit and betrayal. The DA's threats to leave over a progressive bill that supports black South Africans expose their true intentions. The time for transformation is now, and we will not be held back by leaders who refuse to stand for our people.

The MKPYL calls for the immediate implementation of these clauses and condemns any delay as a betrayal of black South Africans. This is not the time for half-measures; we must fight for an education system that reflects the demographics and diversity of our country. We refuse to let Ramaphosa's appeasement of white interests stand in the way of true transformation.

Issued by MKPYL, 14 September 2024