BGMs meet to elect delegates to 55th National Conference – ANC

Delegates from 3,942 branches constitute at least 90% of total voting delegates

ANC statement on Branch General Meetings sitting in preparation for the 55th National Conference

21 September 2022

Over three thousand nine hundred and forty two (3,942) ANC branches, eligible to send delegates to the movement's elective 55th National Conference from 16-20 December 2022 have started meeting last weekend.

The Branch General Meetings (BGM) are meeting to elect delegates from their branches to Conference. Branch delegates constitute at least 90% of total voting delegates to ANC Conferences, and will participate in discussions on resolutions on the economy, social transformation, peace and security and other national issues, as well as the movement's strategy and tactics, constitutional amendments and renewal of the ANC.

The thousands of BGMs will also constitute one of the largest democratic primaries to elect the leadership of a political party. Based on new Electoral Rules which bans slate politics, vote buying and other such practices, ANC members at

these BGMS will nominate the top six Officials and additional members for the national executive committee (NEC).

Branches in their nominations are required to ensure gender equality in line with the ANC constitution that the NEC, as a whole, shall not consist of less than 50% (fifty per cent) of women. Branches are also encouraged to nominate leaders from diverse backgrounds in terms of race, culture and faith consistent with the values of the ANC.

Although some provincial executive committees (PEC) have expressed themselves on their choices for ANC

leadership, branches have the latitude to make their own nominations. The three ANC Leagues, the Veterans, Women and Youth, also have the right to make nominations and will do so during this period.

All nominations will be consolidated by the Electoral Committee chaired by cde Kgalema Motlanthe by late October, and the consolidated list of nominees will then be distributed to ANC structures for information prior to the 55th National Conference.

Special NEC on 9 September 2022 agreed on the approximate size of the 55th National Conference, with 4,250 delegates from branches, in proportion to their membership in good standing. The remainder of voting delegates (10% and less) will be from the NEC, PECs and Leagues.

The Special NEC wishes all Branches that are expected to convene their BGM's well and called on members of the ANC to conduct themselves in an orderly, disciplined and exemplary manner during this period. This is as we all look forward to a peaceful and successful 55th National Conference.

Issued by Pule Mabe, National Spokesperson, ANC, 21 September 2022