Expropriation Bill 2013: revised but still some concerns
The DA notes revisions to the draft Expropriation Bill, discussed in the Portfolio Committee on Public Works today, however there are a number of concerning provisions that remain and should not be included in the final version of the Bill.
The DA will engage robustly with this bill when it comes before Parliament and will ensure that it does not impact unfairly on people's property rights.
The Expropriations Bill was first introduced in Parliament in 2008 but was withdrawn after it was met with serious opposition. It was deemed unconstitutional in that it vested power in government officials to decide on the amount of compensation for expropriated land, rather than the courts.
The new draft Bill has changed this and allows the courts - rather than the state - to decide the compensation payable for expropriated property.
In all other aspects, the 2013 version of the Bill is flawed in a number of respects: