Black child run over by farmer in Western Cape – EFF

Fighters say this inhumane act left 6-year-old with both legs broken

EFF statement on the brutal attack of a 6-year-old black child by 70-year-old white farmer in Western Cape

26 September 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the Western Cape is outraged by the barbaric act in which 6- year-old Khwezi Jantjies was intentionally run over by farmer Christoffel Stoman after being accused of stealing an orange from his farm in Lutzville on the West Coast. This inhumane act, which left Khwezi with both legs broken, has shaken the community, and we stand firmly with the Jantjies family in their demand for justice. Such brutality, especially directed at an innocent child, reflects deep-seated racism that continues to manifest violently in our society.

Stoman's history of such despicable behaviour and his complete lack of remorse, as seen in his failure to assist the family, demonstrates his utter disregard for human life. The EFF demands that no bail should be granted to this criminal and that he rots in jail for the duration of his possible conviction and sentence, as we also plead with the court to punish him with a harsher sentence of direct imprisonment for the maximum duration as required by law. This man has proven himself a menace to society and must never be allowed to walk free again. We further demand that Stoman take full responsibility for Khwezi's medical costs, covering every aspect ofthe child's recovery.

It is not shocking that racist organizations and political parties such as AfriForum, Democratic Alliance and Freedom Front Plus continue to keep an audible silence concerning this heinous crime against a black child. To them the life and wellbeing of a black child does not matter much as they deem it to rank below that of a white or Afrikaner's child. Whilst AfriForum and Freedom Front Plus have made it crystal clear that they were founded based on a racist agenda against black people, the DA on the other hand will go to extremes poaching the black electorate for purposes of only votes, whilst structurally they have a deep-seated hate for black and coloured people.

The EFF rejects all forms of racism and violence and calls for the expropriation of land without compensation to address the deep economic and social inequalities that fuel such injustices in our society. Stoman' s behaviour is a product of a system that continues to dehumanize and exploit the vulnerable, and this system must be dismantled. The head of racism must be crushed with every action, and we will not tolerate a society where acts of racial violence go unpunished. Justice for Khwezi Jantjies and his family is non-negotiable. We demand that the courts lock Stoman in jail, ensuring he is held fully accountable for his crimes. The EFF calls for swift and decisive criminal trial to ensure that this child and his family receive justice, and that perpetrators of such heinous acts face the harshest penalties possible.

Issued by Unathi Ntame, Provincial Chairperson, EFF, 26 September 2024