BLF’s message is clear – Solidarity

Movement requests IEC to scratch the party

BLF’s message is clear – Solidarity requests IEC to scratch the party

13December 2018

Solidarity has submitted a letter to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) today in which the union formally requests that the IEC scratch the registration of the Black First Land First (BLF) as a political party to prevent them from participating in next year’s election.

This follows after the leader of the BLF, Andile Mngxitama, made inciting statements at a BLF event in which he in no uncertain terms encouraged the audience to murder five white people for each black person who dies in taxi violence.

Solidarity acknowledges that the IEC has already indicated that they will investigate the incident and that they will afford the BLF an opportunity to explain those statements and to offer clarity on the matter.

According to Werner Human, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Solidarity, there is no doubt what the intention was and what Mngxitama wanted to convey with his message. “Mngxitama clearly stated that he believes a certain population group should be considered as the enemy and that this group of people must be murdered. These statements boil down to real incitement to violence and is specifically prohibited by section 16(1)(c) of the Election Commission Act,” Human said.

According to Human, the BLF made it very clear that the organisation is not willing to enter into discussions with the IEC and further indicated that they will take up their weapons if their registration is cancelled. “In view of this, the IEC will have to act decisively and in the interest of all South Africans by notifying the BLF that they are considering deregistration of the BLF as determined by the Election Commission Act,“ Human continued.

Human concluded by stating that Solidarity is willing to take further legal action depending on the response of the IEC regarding this matter. 

To read Solidarity’s letter to the IEC, click here.

Issued by Francois Redelinghuys, Spokesperson, Solidarity, 13 December 2018