It has become clear that the some social commentators like Setumo Stone suffer from fixation and will not take facts into account (see article). Being modern day and peace time heroes seems to be the thing he is concerned with. Moving goalposts every time a point is made does not assist the debate.
An objective commentator concentrates on playing the ball not the man. It is clear that he hates Kgosi Mangope with passion but this will not dissuade some of us from putting issues on the table to ensure that this Johnny comes lately to Jo'burg is informed.
Stone correctly refers to namola leuba which he should understand better than I that it means "poverty alleviation". These food parcels were handed out to destitute people in times of drought. It is nothing sinister. Even the current government does it incessantly - though in a lopsided manner whereby such parcels are given only to those who carry the spear and shield cards.
He disregards that such aid was extended to farmers for their livestock. They were given fodder in such times of need. This is what a responsible and caring government has to do. Farmers were subsidized and they produced food to feed the nation. It is on record that in 1991/92 these farmers produced sufficient maize crop that they were able to export to Zambia when there was drought there. This is nothing to apologise for or to feel ashamed about!
It is equally absurd to argue that whenever there were functions people were fed at Mangope's behest. This is great African hospitality. The current South African government does the same. When people are invited to occasions on 27 April, 16 December, whenever there is an inauguration of the president or even when parliament or legislatures are opened people are catered for.