Botched tender delays air ambulance service in Gauteng – Jack Bloom

DA MPL says once again, dept’s inefficiency is negatively impacting the lives of patients who can’t afford private healthcare

Botched tender delays air ambulance service in Gauteng

24 April 2023

The Gauteng Health Department has botched a tender for an emergency air ambulance service, resulting in more than a year’s delay that prejudices the survival chances of many severely injured patients.

According to a written reply by Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko to my questions in the Gauteng Legislature, the tender for an aeromedical service was awarded in February last year.

But it has not been implemented because the Auditor General picked up irregularities with the tender process, and it can only go ahead once the Service Level Agreement is finalised and audit queries resolved.

According to the MEC, the delay means “There are no adequate, timeous response for emergency treatment and transportation to the nearest medical facility.”

They are trying to mitigate this deficiency by expanding their ICU ambulance units.

It is most unfortunate that some critically injured patients will die because there isn’t an air ambulance to get them to a hospital speedily.

My estimate is that about 100 patients a year would benefit from an air ambulance service. This includes those with major spine and head injuries, extensive burns, near drownings, respiratory distress and electrocution - these are all cases where time is of the essence.

Once again, the department’s inefficiency is negatively impacting the lives of patients who can’t afford private healthcare.

Issued by Jack Bloom, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Health, 24 April 2023