Bring Vernie Petersen back - DA

James Selfe says the former DG of correctional services should return

Sibeko's golden handshake not the best solution for DCS

The departure of Correctional Services National Commissioner, Xoliswa Sibeko by means of a golden handshake is part of the messy legacy left by former Correctional Services Minister Ngconde Balfour.

Ms Sibeko has been on paid special leave for the last six months despite being cleared on charges of misconduct for her involvement in the prisons housing scandal  - for renting luxury accommodation to the tune of R35 000 a month at the expense of the taxpayer, when she had departmental accommodation available to her. The scandal also involves the former Minister's wife, Regional Correctional Services Commissioner in Gauteng, Thozama Mqobi-Balfour who has been suspended pending the outcome of a disciplinary case against her.

The public should not be footing the bill of a golden handshake for Ms Sibeko when there are other options open to DCS which allow for the improvement of the department's performance.

Former Correctional Services Minister Ngconde Balfour appointed Sibeko after he and the then National Commissioner Vernie Petersen came to loggerheads on the issue of the re-award of a DCS catering contract. It was Mr Petersen's insistence on proper procedure that brought him into conflict with the then Minister. Mr Petersen vacated the post following the decision to swop the directors-general of Correctional Services and Sports and Recreation.

As Ms Sibeko was only appointed due to former Minister Balfour's personal dislike of Mr Petersen, it is only logical to reverse the directors-general swop with Ms Sibeko returning to the Department of Sport and Mr Petersen to DCS.

Mr Petersen was a great asset to DCS and markedly improved the performance of the department by insisting on compliance to procedures, policies and the law.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) calls on Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula to re-instate Mr Petersen as Correctional Services National Commissioner to actively address the deep-seated culture of corruption crippling the department.

Statement issued by James Selfe, MP, Democratic Alliance shadow minister of correctional services, January 17 2010

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