MTBPS 2016 must prioritise economic growth and job creation
24 October 2016
The Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, will deliver the medium-term budget policy statement (MTBPS) on 26 October 2016 in Parliament.
He does so in an environment characterized by high levels of political uncertainty; low economic growth, high inflation, and very high unemployment; and a possible sovereign ratings downgrade of South Africa.
The minister is under siege following the decision by the National Director of Public Prosecutions, Shaun Abrahams, to charge him with fraud for authorizing a transaction, which he claims was “entirely lawful”.
However, he is not backing down: he seems to have decided to “burn the ships on the beach” and take the fight to the “rent seekers”, including President Jacob Zuma and his most important clients, the Guptas.