Budget pressures won’t stop province – DA WCape

Province’s MTBPS reaffirms commitment to jobs, safety, and well-being of citizens

Western Cape Adjustment Budget committed to jobs, safety and well-being, despite budget pressures

24 November 2022

The DA in the Western Cape welcomes the Western Cape Medium-term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) and The Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill for 2022, tabled today by the Provincial Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, Mireille Wenger.

While the province received no additional Provincial Equitable Share allocation from National Government, except to make provision for public service wage increases, this MTBPS reaffirms the Western Cape Government’s commitment to jobs, safety and well-being for our citizens.

An additional R1.28 billion has been added to Provincial Government spending over the next three years, bring total expenditure over the Medium-term Expenditure Framework 2023 to R230.82 billion.

Among the areas that are prioritised over the MTEF:
- R466.5 million to the new Infrastructure and Mobility departments.
- R31.17 billion on infrastructure projects.
- An additional R200 million will be added to continue the Law Enforcement Advancement Plan, bringing the total allocation over the MTEF to R900 million.
- Health and Education will receive an allocation of R168.69 billion over the MTEF, making up 73.1% of the total budget over this period.

MPP Deidre Baartman said: “This government has a clear vision for the people of this province, and it is one where they can count on the government to create the conditions where they can reach their potential. The DA has shown that where we govern, we are using innovative methods to maximise service delivery for our citizens, and this will continue unabated.

However, a serious conversation regarding funding for provinces needs to take place, as the Western Cape is increasingly being asked to do more with less, while National Government continues reckless spending like SOE bailouts.”

Issued by Deidré Baartman, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Budget, 24 November 2022