NHI: 'Business must stop grovelling and realise its power to oppose NHI' – FMF
22 November 2023
Yesterday, the Select Committee on Health and Social Services in the National Council of Provinces adopted the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill without any changes, despite assurances to business associations that the Bill would be softened. This development is further proof that government was never intent on incorporating the inputs and suggestions made by the private sector.
‘The Free Market Foundation (FMF) has long called on business to not assume good faith from the government. Its naïvety will cost commerce and all South Africans dearly,’ said David Ansara, CEO of the FMF. ‘We now face the collapse of the private healthcare sector, which will mean that countless jobs will be lost, along with quality service and freedom of choice in healthcare.’
Business should never have accepted NHI ‘in principle’. This concession did not buy them any political capital. Organised business has been focused on amending section 33 of the Bill. This provision will, once the NHI is fully implemented, prohibit medical schemes from offering benefits covered by the NHI Fund. But the NHI is bigger than only section 33, and touches on constitutional liberties and governance. Business’s narrow approach is misguided. NHI represents a fundamental assault by the state on the independence of private healthcare, and should be opposed in its entirety.
‘Business has no reason to grovel before a malicious government for minor concessions. The commercial sector in South Africa is significantly stronger and more capacitated than the public sector. Business needs to start taking the lead, rather than reinforcing the harmful agenda of the government,’ continued Ansara.